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Most common transmission problems

by Aubree Richardson

Automotive problems are just like symptoms of diseases in humans, certain sensations and sounds show that some part of the car isn't working as it properly should. One area of the car bundled with problems is the transmission system. It's a complex system consisting of the gearbox that manages the power distribution from the engine all the way to the drive shaft. Sometimes, you may experience a bit of problems during your driving. So here's a list of the most common symptoms that indicate a transmission failure.

Lack of response

Sometimes, shifting the gear brings up a rather unexpected reaction: The car hesitates to get in gear. The shift in gear needs to be immediate whether on manual or automatic vehicles and once you start experiencing delays when changing your gears, then there's a problem. In some instances, the engine may seem to be roaring much louder than the car is moving.

All these are problems related to the clutch and replacing it is usually the best solution.

Leaking fluids

The good thing about this problem is that it is easily recognizable, the bad is that ignoring it can lead to a total breakdown of the transmission system. The ATF (automatic transmission fluid) performs a number of functions such as lubrication, cleaning and conditioning of the seals. It's also the hydraulic fluid without which the engine wouldn't continue working.

If the fluid you find seems to be red and clear, then you're in luck. All you need to take care of is the hole causing the leak. However, a dark, burnt fluid is an indicator that you need to replace the fluid. Top it up even if it still leaks until you get it to your mechanic.

Clutch drags

This is a common symptom in manual cars where the clutch fails to properly disengage the flywheel once you press the clutch pedal. What happens here is that the clutch still continues to spin with the engine and this is what makes shifting gears somewhat impossible. Additionally, you'll hear an annoying noise as you press the clutch pedal during the change of the gears.

The problem here is simple and it won't cost you a lot to repair as compared to other transmission problems. The clutch pedal has too much slack and the link between the pedal and disk is not able to separate the clutch disk from the flywheel during changing of the gears. Once you tighten it up, then all is well.

Talk with a mechanic at a shop like Gearbox Express if you suspect something is wrong with your car's gearbox before any potential damage gets worse.
